Edition: Second Edition, Revised
Place of Publication: Londini [London]
Publisher: Typis Du-Gardianis
Publication Date: 1651
More Details
There were a dozen editions of this popular work over two years: one dated 1650...and the remainder 1651 or 1652 [Wikenheiser]. It is worth noting that the 1650 imprint was published in 1651, due to the use of "the old style of dating, under which the year did not officially begin till 25 March. [Maden]. "This is the work which finally cost Milton his eyesight and which Warton characterized as 'the best apology ever offered for bringing kings ot the block.' In 1660, all copies were ordered to be surrendered and, along with Eikonoklastes, "to be burnt by the common hangman."" [Wickenheiser];
This work was commissioned by Parliament during Oliver Cromwell's protectorship of England, and Milton defends the parliamentary party against accusations that the rebels led by Cromwell were guilty of regicide for executing King Charles.;
Wickenheiser 2567, Maden 2, Wing M2167, Coleridge 45, Not in Kohler;
Quarto, 263 pages. In Very Good condition. Bound in contemporary brown calf, plain paneled spine. Mild soiling and wear. Bind double-rule to boards, remnants of a gilt roll to board edges. No pastedown was ever applied to interior. A2, B-Z4, Aa-Ll4, [2] full blank leaves at end.
Complete with errata leaf before title, woodcut armorial shields on title page, decorative head and tailpieces and decorated initial letters. No writing or marks of previous ownership. Wide margins, approximately 2.25 cm on top edge, 4.5cm. on fore edge, 5cm on lower edge, with some minor variance.
JG consignment. Shelved in Case 0.
This work was commissioned by Parliament during Oliver Cromwell's protectorship of England, and Milton defends the parliamentary party against accusations that the rebels led by Cromwell were guilty of regicide for executing King Charles.;
Wickenheiser 2567, Maden 2, Wing M2167, Coleridge 45, Not in Kohler;
Quarto, 263 pages. In Very Good condition. Bound in contemporary brown calf, plain paneled spine. Mild soiling and wear. Bind double-rule to boards, remnants of a gilt roll to board edges. No pastedown was ever applied to interior. A2, B-Z4, Aa-Ll4, [2] full blank leaves at end.
Complete with errata leaf before title, woodcut armorial shields on title page, decorative head and tailpieces and decorated initial letters. No writing or marks of previous ownership. Wide margins, approximately 2.25 cm on top edge, 4.5cm. on fore edge, 5cm on lower edge, with some minor variance.
JG consignment. Shelved in Case 0.